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PMS Balance

PMS Balance


Pre-Menstrual Symptoms


    INGREDIENTS: 100% Pure Essential Oils. Bergamot, Clary Sage, Geranium, Jasmine, Neroli, Ylang-ylang, carrier oil.

    DIRECTIONS: Apply externally to the bottoms of feet, forehead, lower abdomen and lower back.

    HEALING PROPERTIES: Upendi Essentials PMS BALANCE Blend, has anti-inflammatory and anti spasmodic properties to reduce pain, spasms and discomfort associated with menstrual cramps. The blend also has balancing, soothing, calming & grounding properties, and is geared towards women during their menses (periods). PMS BALANCE can be applied directly onto the skin. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.

  • Testimonials

    “My mom gave me PMS balance oil for my period and any period symptoms became a lot more manageable, my emotions, cramps, everything. I gave it to all my friends for Christmas and they thought it was very cool.” – Ty M

Bites & Stings Fix

“I had a really nasty spider bite last week and I used Stings & Bites Fix by Upendi Essentials.

By day 3 the itching and stinging had stopped.

By day 6, I could hardly see the bite.

By day 7, there was no sign I had even had a spider bite.” - Jo Elliot

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