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Enhance Concentration


    INGREDIENTS: 100% Pure Essential Oils. Cedarwood, Jade Lemon, Lemon, Lime, Peppermint, Rosemary, Tangerine, carrier oil.

    DIRECTIONS: Apply externally to the forehead, temples, behind the ears. Apply to palm of hands, cup hands over nose and inhale.

    HEALING PROPERTIES: Upendi Essentials CONCENTRATE Blend, has both stimulating and calming  properties, this helps to calm your thoughts so you can focus on one thing at a time which helps with mental clarity. CONCENTRATE can be applied directly onto the skin. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.

  • Testimonials

    “Hi my name is kaelin and I’ve been using Concentrate from Upendi to help me focus while I study. I battled to concentrate while working through my exams and I found that using Concentrate helped me immensely while working through my final matric year exams. I was very happy with its assistance, and I recommend it to anyone who battles with concentrating when learning or studying.” - Kaelin

Bites & Stings Fix

“I had a really nasty spider bite last week and I used Stings & Bites Fix by Upendi Essentials.

By day 3 the itching and stinging had stopped.

By day 6, I could hardly see the bite.

By day 7, there was no sign I had even had a spider bite.” - Jo Elliot

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