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BP Reduce

BP Reduce


High Blood Pressure


    INGREDIENTS: 100% Pure Essential Oils. Cypress, Eucalyptus, Helichrysum, Lavender, Marjoram, Ylang-ylang, carrier oil.

    DIRECTONS: Apply externally to hand pressure point, wrist, inside of elbow, underarm and over the heart.

    HEALING PROPERTIES: Upendi Essentials BP REDUCE Blend, has soothing and stress-reducing properties and can be a valuable component of hypertension management, helping you to maintain healthy blood pressure levels and, ultimately, a healthier life. BP REDUCE can be applied directly onto the skin. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.

  • Testimonials

    “Upendi BP Reduce Blend, is a special, developed initially for me to reduce blood pressure, as I made a decision to move away from pharmaceutical products over time. I started to use this oil in November 2023. I continued on the  4 pharmaceutical drugs until January 2024. I  decided in December 2023 not to renew the prescription. I noticed that the combination of the Upendi oil and the drugs was not as effective as just the oil without the pharmaceutical products. My fear of the potential negative effect has been overcome, and my BP, which I monitored twice a day for 3 weeks, is quite normal for my age . I feel so much better now, and don’t need to concern myself with morning drug intakes. Thank you so much Jo, your products are amazing.” - Trevor

Bites & Stings Fix

“I had a really nasty spider bite last week and I used Stings & Bites Fix by Upendi Essentials.

By day 3 the itching and stinging had stopped.

By day 6, I could hardly see the bite.

By day 7, there was no sign I had even had a spider bite.” - Jo Elliot

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